
International journal of science and research scimago
International journal of science and research scimago

Efforts are ongoing to associate IJPSR with more of such renowned databases. The journal is well indexed with EMBASE- Elsevier’s, PubMed (Selected citations), Thomson Reuters, Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index (Jan 2021), Scopus (2014-17), Hinari- WHO, Chemical Abstract, Scirus – Elsevier’s, Gale- Expanded Academic ASAP, EBSCO, Google, Google Scholar, International consortium for the advancement of academic publication (ICAAP), Scientific common, Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources (PSOAR), Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, ProQuest, New York University Health Sciences Libraries, Research Gate, Open-J-Gate, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education & Research, Ayush Research portal and Genamics Journal Seek. Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Management, Health Care Management, Hospital Management, Biochemistry, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Quality Assurance, Pharmacy Practice and other pharmacy related fields. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference. It is a peer-reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality original research work, reviews, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education Forum and Letter to editor that contribute significantly to further the Scientific Knowledge related to the field of Pharmacy i.e. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR) is an open access online and print International Journal published monthly.

International journal of science and research scimago